Thomas Lamant

Hi! I am Thomas Lamant, an offshore wind engineer working at Ørsted.

When onshore, I love exploring all sorts of ideas. And sometimes I feel like writing an article about them in my blog.

Manual creatity has taken many forms for me over the years (woodworking, yoga, etc.). I've particularly discoved a passion for leatherwork, that I hope one day to to bring to a broader public through my own brand, Marå.

Since writing my first website more than 20 years ago in 2002, I've been fascinated by the power of software programming. Things have become much more powerful nowadays, but also much more complex. When I don't play around with Python/Pandas for small tasks or data analysis, it is web development that I'm exploring, especially the Nuxt framework (Vue, Vite, Node.JS, Typescript). It powered this homepage, but also my latest project, Bodega Map.

See the menu in the upper right corner for relevant links, and shortcuts to my social media accounts. The best way to contact me is by sending an e-mail. ✌